Welcome to My Little Custom™
Choose from over 250 different shades of genuine Nylon®, Katsilk™ Saran & Kiwi doll hair ideal for all your rerooting needs.
All stock is held here in the UK - perfect for when you need your supplies FAST!
Great products, great service and fantastic value for money.
Lots of Luff ~ Mel x 🥰 ~ MLC's proud new owner!

Wondering how to recreate this beautiful vintage Fleur doll reroot by Anges? You don't need much!
Simply choose a couple of packs of doll hair (any colour, take your pick!) grab a pack of doll needles and watch our free re-root video tutorials to get started on your journey towards doll restoration or customisation!

Have you tried our Kiwi Doll Hair range? Perfect if you are on a budget or just starting out - with lots of funky colours there is certainly something to grab your eye! Which colour would you choose?